Tony Carty

Founding Director

Tony is a Joint Founding Director who is part of the team which created Sing Out Loud.

With over 30 years’ experience in the hospitality industry as an Executive Head Chef in award winning hotels and restaurants, Tony is also no stranger to the demands and dedication it takes to successfully produce an extensive range of events within the arts industry. Tony is a multi award winning singer and actor and excels to the highest levels in all he turns his hand to. Tony’s focus and vision through all aspects of his working life make him a driving force in the progression of Sing Out Loud.

Contact Tony

Maggs Jacob

Founding Director

Maggs is a Joint Founding Director who is part of the team which created Sing Out Loud.

Maggs has been involved in the arts industry for over 30 years as producer, casting director and an award-winning performer. Coming from an entrepreneurial background and a business family, Maggs has had the privilege of working across many different industries. Maggs’s commitment to the growth and evolution of the future generation within the arts, marketing, and all things digital is what inspires her pursuit of excellence.

Contact Maggs

Eric Hayes

Founding Director

Eric is a Joint Founding Director who is part of the team which created Sing Out Loud.

With more than 25 years of expertise in financial management, he brings a wealth of knowledge to the team.

Additionally, Eric is an acclaimed singer and a seasoned Producer with vast experience in orchestrating shows on big stages in multiple venues.

Eric’s meticulous dedication and loyalty ensure that Sing Out Loud will be a legacy of which he is very proud.

Contact Eric
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